Tuesday 19 May 2015

Task 4: Ideas Generation

Ideas Generation

Generating may seem easy but it really harder than you think.

I came up with an idea to make a Nicktoon Idents as they were kind easy to make than Cbeebies which everyone else are doing. So I decided to make a mind map where I fill the Mind Map with so many ideas that I can think of possibly.

First of all, you have to come up with so many ideas that you can think of wherever it a good idea or a stupid idea. Sometime most famous things like TV series or products come from stupid ideas that has been developed into the most popular and famous item the world as ever scene because it came from a stupid idea of an idiot.

So what I did was create a mind map with a lot of good and stupid ideas so that I can choose one of these ideas make my idents. As you can see I made so many ideas that is suitable for my target audience to watch during their TV show break.

After looking back on the mind map, I noticed that there are two colours that Nicktoons always uses and that Orange and Blue for their 2014-15 idents.

Then I decided to use the symbolic colours of Nicktoons which are Blue and Orange for Nicktoons which what I decided to do. Which is to do my very own NICKTOONS idents out of Playdoh that moves by using moving pictures book but onscreen.

That's concludes Task 4

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